Team update: Fortitude sponsors two local charity events in June

As a local financial planning firm in Towcester, giving back to our community is incredibly important to us. In the 20 years since we set up our business, we’ve been delighted to be able to support a number of charitable causes.

You may already be aware of some of the causes we’ve supported over the years, since we often include our clients in our fundraising efforts. This month, we’ve also sponsored some charity events that you may not have heard of.

We thought it would be nice to share the details so that you can learn more about the incredible work these charities are doing for our community.

South Northants Volunteer Bureau awards

The South Northants Volunteer Bureau (SNVB) provides help and support to the voluntary and community sector in south Northamptonshire. Their guidance helps local organisations to provide services to those in need, improving lives and helping everyone to be happier and healthier.

They support volunteer organisations in a whole range of areas, including health, education, social services, and the environment.

On Tuesday 6 June, the SNVB held their inaugural awards at Towcester town hall. We were proud to sponsor the Trustee of the Year award. Several of our team members are heavily involved in volunteering in their spare time, so we’ve seen first-hand just how much dedication and effort is required to ensure that local people receive the support they need.

Northamptonshire Carers Golf Day

Northamptonshire Carers champions and supports carers from across Northamptonshire, aiming to make a positive change for everyone who is a carer and those they care for.

We first became involved with the charity as one of our staff members, Davina, is a volunteer carer. We could see the difference this important work makes in our community and were keen to pitch in to help.

Every year, the organisation runs a charity golf day to raise funds for their important work. Our team has been involved in supporting the day both as a sponsor and by entering a team to play each year since 2018. This year, the event raised around £2,750 for the charity.

Get in touch

If you’d like to work with a reliable financial planner in Towcester to manage your wealth and work towards your goals, please get in touch.

Email or call us on 01327 354321.


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