Spotlight on Mark White, Director

This month’s team spotlight interviewee is none other than Director Mark White. He founded Fortitude with Chris Bowmer in 2002, having worked in financial services since 1998.

Mark is passionate about ensuring that our clients are working with a trusted financial planning firm with the highest ethical and moral values; one that helps clients make smart decisions about what to do with their money.

Take it away, Mark.


Good morning Mark. Let’s start easy: describe the kind of work you do in three words.

That is easy: managing the business.


Simple and descriptive, it’s perfect. What's been your proudest moment at Fortitude Financial Planning to date?

There hasn’t been one specific moment; my pride is more big-picture. I’m proud that we’ve built a business based on a great set of core values that is well respected by its peers and looked up to as an example of what a great business looks like.


I think that’s every business owner’s dream, so we can imagine how proud you must feel to have achieved that. Riding on that positivity, what keeps you smiling at work every day?

It’s definitely working with a great team and knowing that what we do makes a real difference to our clients’ lives. We get to see it in action and it’s very satisfying.


What keeps you busy when you’re not working?

My family. I have three daughters under 10 years of age, who keep me very busy!


Phew, it sounds it! Perhaps a second career in playgroups is on the horizon...

Mark, tell us the quote or phrase that goes through life with you.

Can I have two?

The first is “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” The second is “focus on the things that matter and you can control”.

They’re of a similar theme, and it’s a message I think is really important.


Those are excellent quotes. Let’s talk travel: where is the most interesting place you've been?

Mmm, I can’t decide between the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef, and Ayers Rock (Uluru). Do I sound like I'm showing off?


Don’t worry, we’re only slightly jealous. Who is your hero and why?

I don’t have one hero in particular. I admire people who have shown courage in the face of adversity and those who are passionate about making a difference.


That’s been a very common answer among these team spotlights, which is a testament to the kind of people you attract: you’ve all got harmonious values and outlooks on life. That’s quite special. 

Let’s wrap this spotlight up with some words of wisdom. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t be scared of trying new things. You’ll never know what could happen, so stay curious.


Excellent advice, Mark. Thank you so much for sitting down with us for your spotlight interview.

We’ll be back next month with Davina.


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