5 health habits you could learn from other cultures this summer

A summer holiday is a fantastic way to relax, recharge, and discover a new outlook or perspective on life. You can learn so many things from travelling, but have you ever considered what you could learn about staying healthy?

There are so many different traditions, cuisines, and remedies that have been passed down through the generations across the globe. Could adopting one of them help you to feel healthier and happier, even after you’ve returned home from your holiday?

Here are five brilliant health habits from other cultures that you can embrace to boost your wellbeing.

1. The Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is based on the foods eaten by the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Spain, Greece, and Italy.

Research shows that the citizens of these countries tend to be healthier, with lower chances of having a stroke or developing diabetes as well as a reduced risk of premature death.

The Mediterranean diet is relatively simple, as it involves boosting your intake of nutrient-rich foods, including:

  • Fruit and vegetables

  • Legumes

  • Whole grains

  • Nuts and seeds.

By increasing your intake of these healthy foods, you are less likely to snack on sugary or processed foods. This means the diet is perfect for anyone trying to lose weight or reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.

2. Israeli citrus fruits

In 2019, Bloomberg ranked Israel the 10th healthiest country in the world, so it’s clear that there is something to be learned from the population’s health habits.

To reveal what makes them one of the healthiest countries in the world, a study conducted by the Volcani Research Institute surveyed nearly 500 people in Israel. They discovered that 80% of Israelis eat fruit and vegetables every day, and 41% of them favoured citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits – such as oranges and limes – are packed with vitamin C, which is vital for keeping your cells and bones healthy. Some citruses, such as grapefruit, are also full of fibre, which helps to regulate your appetite.

If you want to boost your immune system with some vitamin C, try eating one piece of citrus fruit a day. This can be as easy as adding a tangerine to your lunch, or enjoying a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

3. New Zealand manuka honey

Manuka honey is a popular sweet treat in New Zealand. As well as being delicious, it’s also brilliant for your health and wellbeing.

The benefits include:

  • Boosting your immune system

  • Soothing inflammation

  • Easing digestive problems.

So next time you’re feeling under the weather, why not try adding a spoonful of honey to your tea or drizzle some over a slice of toast for relief?

4. Swedish “fika” breaks

If you can’t survive without your daily dose of caffeine, why not try drinking it “fika” style?

Fika is a Swedish tradition that involves taking a break from your day to sit down and enjoy a coffee and some cake, usually with family and friends. It’s so popular that some companies have made it mandatory for their employees.

As well as giving you the opportunity to catch up with the people you care about, taking these short breaks can improve your mental health and boost your productivity.

Next time you’re feeling stressed, try a 15-minute fika. Chat to your colleagues, friends, or family over a hot drink and a sweet treat and feel your shoulders relax as your stress melts away.

5. The Japanese 80% rule

In Japan, “hara hachi bu” is a common saying. It translates to “eat until you are 80% full” and can be a helpful way to practise portion control.

Rather than eating until you’re stuffed, stop when you’re almost full. Your body will have all the nutrients it needs without the uncomfortable sensation of eating too much.

Following this rule reduces your calorie intake, which can help you lose weight. It also comes with other health benefits, such as an increased life expectancy.

If you want to try following this rule, be mindful of your hunger levels as you eat and ask yourself whether you are still enjoying the meal. After some experimentation, you’ll be able to adapt your portion sizes to exactly what you need.

Get in touch

If you want to improve your financial health as well as your physical health, get in touch with us to discover how we can help. We’re Chartered Financial Planners based in Towcester and it’s our mission to help you realise your financial goals, whatever they may be.

Email theteam@fortitudefp.co.uk or call us on 01327 354321.


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